
Module 4 –

‘Creativity skills – creating something that matters’:

Parents are their children’s best supporters and teachers. They know their children better than anyone else. For this reason parents play the most important role of all in raising children. This is also true of guiding creativity. No one else can do it better than you.

We believe that by far the most valuable job in the world is to be involved in raising a healthy, happy, confident, creative child. That is what this module aims to offer, great tools to help you achieve this goal.



  • Supporting creativity – how to support creativity and creative thinking of your child
  • Tools and techniques – how to encourage and practice creative thinking
  • Creativity and Innovations – how to encourage a child to try new things?
  • Creativity in arts & crafts
  • Creative toys and coding games in everyday play
  • Creativity in everyday life with children – switch routines and say yes to new learning styles

For this course we have selected the best practices from Finland, both for parents as well as for professionals.

In this course, together with us, you and your child will learn the most critical skills needed in this turbulent world.

  • With our help, you will raise your child to grow emotionally strong.
  • He will become a socially intelligent person, with exceptional communications skills.
  • Not to mention creative thinking, which is in huge demand in the future world.

These skills never grow old. They are the best gifts you can ever give to your child.